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Jana, B.R., 2021. Scientific Cultivation of Low Chill Peach [Prunus persica (L) Batsch.] in North Eastern Plateau and Hill Regions. Biotica Research Today 3(8), 687-690.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 3 No. 8 : August (2021) / Popular Article

Scientific Cultivation of Low Chill Peach [Prunus persica (L) Batsch.] in North Eastern Plateau and Hill Regions

B. R. Jana

Research Centre for Makhana, Darbhanga, Bihar (846 005), India


Keywords: Cultivars, Low Chill, Peach, Yield


The production of a temperate fruit crop is markedly influenced by the climate change effects. The winter chilling requirements vary with each cultivar to break the dormancy and resumption of flowering, fruiting and vegetative growth. Low chill cultivars of peach crops have been developed throughout the world for enhancing the production and area of cultivation from low mountain hill to plateau and some plains. Low chill peach cultivars were successfully cultivated from eastern plateau and hill region. A 40% pruning of one year shoots encourages flowering, after 1.5 months after fruit setting, CuSO4 (0.2%) and 20.0 ppm GA3 spraying to low chill temperate fruits leads to obtain desirable yield. At high temperatures, bacterial canker and fruit fly are the major problems prevailing in growing areas. Under Eastern plateau and hill region the cultivars Flordaprince, Prabhat, Shan-e-Punjab and Pratap performed better in terms of production. Thus, these cultivars are suggested for commercial orcharding.


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